Monday, December 1, 2008

Dual Coding Theory

The first thing to stand out in this Nike ad are the words. Both phrases are presented on contrasting backgrounds which initiates their prevalence. At first, the two sayings don't appear to be connected but as the second system of dual coding becomes more involved, I established that this is a picture of a sports locker room probably on the wall before the team marches on to the field. The "We Believe" appears to be behind the phrase on the wall above it. These two phrases are very common thoughts among athletes whether in pee-wee sports or professional levels. This ad appeals to the athlete which is a generous portion of Nike's customer base. The third system of dual coding obviously connects these phrases to pre-game inspiration and thoughts of hope. Hope to do well and succeed in whatever sport you may participate in. Perhaps patriotic themes of red, white, and blue could also be discussed. All in all, these phrases are motivating and any athlete can connect personal experience them. It is a great ad to attract the athlete on any level to try Nike apparel or at least look into it. It shows that Nike cares if you do well and they want you to do well athletically and to do that, purchasing their equipment can help you towards that goal of exellence.

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