Friday, August 29, 2008

Web 2.0

"Text is linear" expresses that written text moves from side to side in a linear motion. Not really taking you anywhere or changing rapidly. Digital text, the words of the new generation are flexible, fixable, linking to other locations (at least in the digital world), and beyond anything else, all of these things can be done very quickly.
Someone who is ready to enter the workforce must have the tools to legitimately work with this new interface of communication and media. The new workforce will deal with this technology in ways no other generation has even pondered. This technology is going to be very useful and open up many doors and other opportunities to make business and communications quicker, easier, and possibly more effective. But it must be applied well and with new technology comes new problems.
For those already in the existing workforce, this means change and adaptation. If these individuals do not feel the need to change with the times, in many positions, they will be replaced with someone of our generation. It some cases this will not apply, and sometimes it depends on how current your boss is on technology and how business is dealt with within a company. A cutting-edge company facing new territories and potential for growth in the coming years may rely more on digital interfaces and new techniques, more so than the standing companies of the past.
We WILL have to rethink everything. Nothing has revolutionized the seeking of information, communication, and business as much as the internet in the history of our civilization. More technology has been produced in the past two centuries, than all other time periods combined. Technology is building exponentially, and our minds will only have to be able to deal with more and more. Those scared of change are gonna have their work cut out for them. Digital love, digital life, digital viruses, digital crimes, digital world. It is as if we have built a non-existent world within our own physical world. Since this digital world does not technically have a location or place, does it have any boundaries or means of stopping it?

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